Twelve priority projects

Native Fish Recovery
Lead: North Central CMA
Avoca River Landscape Connections
Lead: North Central CMA
Restoring Connectivity and Flows in the Tullaroop Catchment
Lead: Central Highlands Water and North Central CMA
Restoration of Five Mile Creek
Lead: North Central CMA and Western Water
Natural Capital
In Development – for more information please contact the North Central CMA
Building Regional Resilience to Flooding
Lead: North Central CMA
Urban Waterways and Water Sensitive Cities
Lead: City of Greater Bendigo and Mount Alexander Shire
Agricultural Extension and Knowledge Exchange
Lead: Agriculture Victoria and North Central CMA
Traditional Agriculture and Aquaculture
Lead: Agriculture Victoria, North Central CMA and Traditional Owners
Community Carbon Pilot
In Development – for more information please contact the North Central CMA
Pilot: Engaging Community in Lake and Waterway Management
Lead: North Central CMA and Central Goldfields Shire Council
Protecting and enhancing our Northern Plains Grasslands
Lead: North Central CMA and Trust for Nature