Strategy development

RCS Guidelines issued by the Victorian Catchment Management Council guide RCS development.

The guidelines for this RCS:

  • Put a greater emphasis on integration of climate change and Traditional Owner priorities.
  • Introduce Local Areas as a basis for integration of RCS themes in a way that is relevant to local communities.
  • Improve consistency across the state through the use of a web-based format and Outcomes Framework.

Key elements of the approach to RCS development included:

  • Findings and recommendations from the final 2013-19 RCS review informed engagement of key partners, to improve ownership and accountability for delivery.
  • RCS Steering Committee established to oversee RCS review and renewal.
  • Discussion papers developed to frame discussions with stakeholders and inform RCS content.
  • Extensive engagement with partner organisations, Traditional Owners and community.
  • Priority assets identified for the 2013-19 RCS, reviewed and updated with respect to new knowledge and policy.

More detail under the headers below.