
Vision: Active and resilient communities adapting to challenges including climate change

The Community theme describes the regional community and their contribution to NRM, considering emerging trends, challenges and opportunities and how to maintain and build community involvement into the future

The health of our catchments relies on the active involvement of people in the region. An engaged and active community is critical for the success of the RCS. People who farm and manage land or who live in towns, work, volunteer or go to school all have a role to play in realising the RCS vision.

Eighty-seven per cent of land in the region is privately owned and most of it used for agriculture. As such, rural landholders continue to be the foundation for landscape-scale NRM in the region. 

Through engagement for RCS renewal we heard from many people in the region who are passionate and knowledgeable about their local waterways, wetlands, farmland and bushland. Residents and visitors to the region enjoy the amenity and recreational opportunities of these natural environments. Spending time connecting to nature, is important for our wellbeing, it also builds appreciation and inspires action. Landholders and community-based NRM groups, make a significant contribution by caring for their land and local places, protecting and improving the health of soils, waterways and native vegetation and habitats across the region.

Landcare groups and networks

The RCS Community Discussion Paper was drafted to frame conversations with stakeholders, obtain feedback and inform the development of this webpage. It includes more detail and references.